Friday, September 7
Room 435, Department of Politics, NYU
Room 435, Department of Politics, NYU
Breakfast 8:45-8:50 Introduction to QCSS 2018 by Reed Lei Full Paper Panels (Rules: 25 min of presentation, 7 min of comment, and 13 min of Q&A) Section 1 Chair: Reed Lei 8:50-9:35 To Repress or To Co-opt? Authoritarian Control in the Age of Digital Surveillance Presenter: Xu Xu Discussant: Adam Przeworski 9:35-10:20 Building up Competence: How Does Political Faction Help Chinese Mayors Become More Competent? Presenter: Yishuang Li Discussant: Junlong Aaron Zhou 10:20-10:35 Coffee/Tea Break Section 2 Chair: Zhaotian Luo 10:35-11:20 Rotating to the Top: How Career Tracks Matter in the Chinese Communist Regime Presenter: Yiqing Xu Discussant: Arturas Rozenas |
Does Cutting off Informal Tax Lead to Greater State Capacity? A Fiscal Reform and Famine Relief in 18th Century China Presenter: Yu Hao Discussant: David Stasavage 12:05-13:05 Lunch Break 13:05-13:50 Media Censorship Strategies Presenter: Xiaoli Guo Discussant: Congyi Zhou 13:50-14:05 Coffee/Tea Break Section 3 Chair: Yishuang Li 14:05-14:50 Spreading the Wealth: Chinese Infrastructure Financing and the Redistribution of Economic Activity in Developing Countries Presenter: Austin Strange Discussant: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita 14:50-15:35 The Legacy of Early State Building in China Presenter: Daniel Mattingly Discussant: Shanker Satyanath 16:00-17:40 Individual Meetings (20 min per slot, five slots in total) 17:45-20:00 Dinner |
Papers Invited to QCSS-2
We have received an unexpected large number of paper/abstract submission to QCSS-2 this year. We thank all those who have submitted their work to us. To ensure academic quality of QCSS-2, we have read and reviewed all works quite carefully. All works were first be read by the coordinator responsible for academic quality and he decided if the paper would be sent out for double blind review. Reviewers then read received papers within ten days and sent recommendation and their comments on the paper back to the coordinator. Papers receiving higher evaluations from reviewers will be invited.
Now we have completed reviewing all works submitted to us. We are pleased to announce that the authors of following papers are invited to QCSS-2 in 2018 (listed by alphabetic order):
Media Censorship Strategies
Presenter: Xiaoli Guo, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, Florida State University
Discussant: Congyi Zhou, Assistant Professor of Politics, NYU
Does Cutting off Informal Tax Lead to Greater State Capacity? A Fiscal Reform and Famine Relief in 18th Century China
Presenter: Yu Hao, Associate Professor, School of Economics, Peking University
Discussant: David Stasavage, Silver Professor of Politics, NYU
The Legacy of Early State Building in China
Presenter: Daniel Mattingly, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Yale University
Discussant: Shanker Satyanath, Professor of Politics, NYU
Spreading The Wealth: Chinese Infrastructure Financing and the Redistribution of Economic Activity in Developing Countries
Presenter: Austin Strange, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Government, Harvard University
Discussant: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Silver Professor of Politics, NYU
To Repress or To Co-opt? Authoritarian Control in the Age of Digital Surveillance
Presenter: Xu Xu, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, Penn State University
Discussant: Adam Przeworski, Carroll and Milton Professor of Politics and Economics, NYU
Rotating to the Top: How Career Tracks Matter in the Chinese Communist Regime
Presenter: Yiqing Xu, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, UCSD
Discussant: Arturas Rozenas, Assistant Professor of Politics, NYU
Now we have completed reviewing all works submitted to us. We are pleased to announce that the authors of following papers are invited to QCSS-2 in 2018 (listed by alphabetic order):
Media Censorship Strategies
Presenter: Xiaoli Guo, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, Florida State University
Discussant: Congyi Zhou, Assistant Professor of Politics, NYU
Does Cutting off Informal Tax Lead to Greater State Capacity? A Fiscal Reform and Famine Relief in 18th Century China
Presenter: Yu Hao, Associate Professor, School of Economics, Peking University
Discussant: David Stasavage, Silver Professor of Politics, NYU
The Legacy of Early State Building in China
Presenter: Daniel Mattingly, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Yale University
Discussant: Shanker Satyanath, Professor of Politics, NYU
Spreading The Wealth: Chinese Infrastructure Financing and the Redistribution of Economic Activity in Developing Countries
Presenter: Austin Strange, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Government, Harvard University
Discussant: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Silver Professor of Politics, NYU
To Repress or To Co-opt? Authoritarian Control in the Age of Digital Surveillance
Presenter: Xu Xu, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, Penn State University
Discussant: Adam Przeworski, Carroll and Milton Professor of Politics and Economics, NYU
Rotating to the Top: How Career Tracks Matter in the Chinese Communist Regime
Presenter: Yiqing Xu, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, UCSD
Discussant: Arturas Rozenas, Assistant Professor of Politics, NYU
QCSS-2 Call For Papers
The Second Quantitative China Studies Seminar
September 7, 2018 New York University We are pleased to announce that the Second Quantitative China Studies Seminar (QCSS-2) will be held on September 7, 2018, at 19 West 4th Street (NYU Washington Square Campus). The Quantitative China Studies Seminar (QCSS), initially co-organized by New York University (NYU), Columbia University, and Princeton University, is a working group that brings together scholars of Chinese political economy from various places. The first QCSS conference (QCSS-1) was held by NYU last year and five scholars from Cornell University, Princeton University, Columbia University, MIT and NYU were invited to present their work. In this year’s conference, we continue to welcome paper submission broadly associated with issues regarding the development, governance, economy, society, politics and public policy of China. We especially welcome those research projects employing cutting-edge empirical methods or game-theoretical modelling techniques to answer China-related questions. We expect to have 4-6 papers to be presented in QCSS-2 this year and each paper will receive a detailed discussion from at least one faculty member of Department of Politics at NYU. (The discussants in QCSS-1 includes: Prof. Adam Przeworski, Prof. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Prof. Shanker Satyanath, Prof. David Denoon, Prof. James Hsiung, and Prof. Arturas Rozenas) We are now accepting paper proposals to the seminar. For submission, please send the title and abstract of your paper, as well as the CV of the presenter to the conference coordinator, Zhenhuan Lei ([email protected]), by 12a.m. (EST) July 15th, 2018. We will notify authors of selected papers by early August, and if selected, presenters are invited to submit their complete paper to us by August 24, 2018. To ensure the quality of our conference, we will adopt double-blind review for most submissions. The coordinator will invite no less than three reviewers to read the paper abstract (or the complete paper) according to its topic. Based on the reviews, authors of the best papers will be invited to present at New York University. To make the reviewing process more efficient, we highly recommend the authors to state clearly in your paper abstract (or full text) the research question, main research method, main conclusion and the paper's contribution to relevant literature. The conference does not charge any registration fee and will be able to reimburse the travel costs for student presenters who have economic difficulty in commuting to New York. We will provide food and two-day accommodation (September 6-7) for the presenters. For more information about QCSS, please visit or contact the seminar coordinator Zhenhuan Lei ([email protected]). We look forward to receiving your papers and meeting you at the seminar! QCSS-2 Organizing Team Department of Politics New York University |
2018年9月7日 主办单位:纽约大学政治系 地点:美国纽约大学华盛顿公园校区 今年是中国改革开放40周年,中国的经济改革和增长取得了举世瞩目的成就,理解中国的经济增长、政治体制和治理模式成为了目前政治经济学研究中的一大主题。为促进对这些问题的研究,纽约大学政治系、哥伦比亚大学政治学系和普林斯顿大学政治系于去年共同筹办了第一届定量中国研究会议(QCSS-1),并决定今年继续在纽约大学举办这一会议。这次会议(QCSS-2)将于2018年9月7日(星期五)于纽约大学华盛顿公园校区举办,我们诚挚地邀请学界同仁赐稿。 在去年的第一届会议中,我们邀请到了来自于纽约大学、哥伦比亚大学、普林斯顿大学、康奈尔大学和麻省理工学院的五位学者汇报了他们的研究。这些报告紧扣学术研究中关于中国问题的热点,这包括中国的经济发展、治理模式、社会问题、公共政策、外交关系和政治制度等等。在今年的第二届会议中,我们将继续邀请来自于社会科学各个学科的同仁来纽约汇报与中国问题相关的论文,我们尤其欢迎能利用前沿数据分析方法和形式化模型分析中国政治经济问题的研究。本届会议预计将会展示4-6篇学术论文,每篇文章将会获得至少一位纽约大学政治系教授的点评(去年的点评人包括Adam Przeworski, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Shanker Satyanath, David Denoon, James Hsiung, Arturas Rozenas等)。 投稿办法:所有的稿件必须是以英文撰写和汇报。有意投稿的学者请于2018年7月15日(美国东部时间)前将论文题目、摘要(或全文)和汇报人英文简历以电子邮件的形式提交给会议协调员雷镇环([email protected])。我们将最迟在2018年8月初公布入选名单,并且邀请入选者最迟于2018年8月24日提交论文全文。本届会议现面向广大国内外各院校和研究所的专家学者和博士研究生征文,欢迎各位踊跃投稿。 为保证会议质量,对大部分投稿我们将采用双盲审稿。协调员将根据文章主题邀请不少于三名审稿人阅读论文摘要(或全文),综合审稿人的意见择优邀请投稿人来纽约大学汇报。为协助审稿过程,我们希望投稿人能在文章摘要(或全文)中重点阐述清楚:研究问题、主要研究方法、主要结论以及对相关文献的贡献。 本次会议不收取注册费,同时将对有旅费困难的研究生报告人将提供旅行资助。我们为汇报人提供餐饮和住宿接待(9月6-7日)。其他会议相关信息,请访问我们的官方网站(或联系会议协调员雷镇环([email protected])。 第二届定量中国研究研讨会主办团队 纽约大学政治系 2018年3月 |
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